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July 2024

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Weekly Devotional

“But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ” Philippians 3:20. So many today are starving for a sense of community and will rally around many negative, even sinful, behaviors to belong with certain groups. The world has an external sense of belonging and will even redefine biblical concepts such as family, marriage, or love in an effort to replicate ‘citizenship’ as God meant it. Sadly, many who should understand the beauty, soundness, and depth of what God intended in the citizenship found only in His Son don’t grasp the belonging and community that could be theirs, even after they’ve obeyed the gospel. Though Christ has died for their sins and risen for their redemption to open up the possibility of them making it their own, they haven’t pressed on to make citizenship their own. So, those who should be living for Christ will seek belonging in worldly communities rather than in the church. This is the basis of culturalism that deceives us into believing that we can have one foot in the world and one in the church, but being lukewarm, Jesus says He will spit us out! Rather, let’s return to our primary citizenship and hold out that hope to others.


“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I ap-pointed you a prophet to the nations” Jeremiah 1:5. God is always in control. From the WWII-level crisis of God saving a remnant of His people by decimating Sennacherib’s army in 701 BC and Hezekiah enacting many spiritual reforms in the later years of his life, the nation would face Mannaseh and Amon’s evil 55 and 2 year reigns to get to the fourth generation and good king Josiah, who restored much, too little too late to save God’s people it seems, in his 31 years on the throne. If generations rise and decline in 80 to 90 year cycles, Jeremiah was called by God to prophesy to the nations in the thirteenth year of Josiah’s reign (626 BC) or 75 years since the angel of the LORD killed 185,000 of the Assyrian army and preserved Judah. His job for the next 41 years or so was to manage the decline of God’s people until after the destruction of Solomon’s temple in 586 BC. He would be rejected by all and absolutely no one would listen to him … but still he was called to be faithful in his preaching. As God’s people would be carried off into captivity, all looked bleak, but God was in control of all.


“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope” Jeremiah 29:11.  Go into any store or any website that has Christian merchan-dise and you will see pictures, mugs, t-shirts, or devotional books with this verse on them.  We often use this scripture out-of-context to mean that God has plans for us for our good and our future.  But does it not?  As with any good Bible study, we should see what it means in context first as a passage can never mean what it never meant.  Jeremiah was writing to the exiles about a time when the time for captivity in Babylon were com-pleted and they would be allowed to rebuild Jerusalem once again.  It is they that God would prosper if they would seek Him with their whole hearts.  Does that mean that God won’t work for a Christian’s good (Romans 8:28)?  Of course not, but notice that even in that verse which is often misquoted and misapplied there is an element of seeking and living out of God’s will that is implied.  And, God is not a vending machine to owe you prosperity if you live for Him, but it is out of a loving relationship that He chooses to do so.  Are you in Christ? 

Centennial Books Still Available

    The Centennial book is still available to order for $15.   Please call the church office with any questions or stop by the church to pick one up. 304-295-9696


We are now able to accept contributions and donations online. 






Attention:  36th Street Members

Our website contains much useful information for you as a member of the 36th street congregation.  We are updating and improving www.36thstreetchurch.com on an ongoing basis.

In order for you to take advantage of the full (members-only) benefits of the site, you need to set up a personal account on the site.  It's easy to do - just go to the homepage of the website and click on the 'MEMBERS' tab and select 'REGISTER' from the drop-down menu.  You will need to complete the form there and set up a username and password.  Your request will be forwarded to a web administrator, who will review the form and set you up in the system.

We encourage you to access the website and see how it can benefit you.

Monday, July 15, 2024

“Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you.”(Daily Reading, ESV)