Weekly Devotional
“And Jesus said to her, ‘Woman, what does this have to do with me? My hour has not yet come.’ His mother said to the servants, ‘Do whatever he tells you’” John 2:4-5. Mary believed in who Jesus was; how could she not? The angel had told her that she would conceive by the Holy Spirit, and that He would receive the prophesied and promised “throne of his father David” (Luke 1). The shepherds and later the wise men from the east had come. He had been spoken about by Simeon and Anna. When He was missing at age twelve, they found Him in His “Father’s house” teaching the teachers (Luke 2). So later, after His baptism and calling of His disciples, Jesus was at a wedding that ran out with wine with His disciples and mother also in attendance. Mary does not come to Him with a complaint or a defeated “What can we do?” Rather, in faith, before He had done any other miracles (John 2:11), she came to Him with a simple statement of fact, “They have no wine.” Not yet ready to reveal who He was to the world, He nevertheless honored His mother (Exodus 20:12), and God worked the manifestation of His glory out for good (Romans 8:28) … “And his disciples believed in him.”
“Restore us, O LORD God of hosts! Let your face shine, that we may be saved!” Psalm 80:19. Set at the time of the Assyrian captivity that took off the northern kingdom (according to the LXX), the psalmist appeals to God for a restoration of His covenant people. Like other psalms, including the previous one, he asks how long God will continue to be angry. He recognizes the love and care that God has invested in His people as they are a vine that He, the Master Gardener, has planted. Therefore, the fault does not lie with God for the vine growing in ways they stubbornly wanted to go. Rather, three times he appeals to God to “restore us.” He pleads for God to “turn again” with His favor with the promise that “then we shall not turn back from you.” Sinful mankind needs another chance. We need restoration, and God provides it in a way that the psalmist could never envision. Jesus gives all of mankind that second chance at the cross and at the tomb. In John 17, He prays for that restoration just before he willingly and obediently lays down His life to make restoration possible: “I in them and you in me, that they may become perfectly one.” He lets His face shines, that we may be saved.
Weekly Devotionals
“And Jesus said to her, ‘Woman, what does this have to do with me? My hour has not yet come.’ His mother said to the servants, ‘Do whatever he tells you’” John 2:4-5. Mary believed in who Jesus was; how could she not? The angel had told her that she would conceive by the Holy Spirit, and that He would receive the prophesied and promised “throne of his father David” (Luke 1). The shepherds and later the wise men from the east had come. He had been spoken about by Simeon and Anna. When He was missing at age twelve, they found Him in His “Father’s house” teaching the teachers (Luke 2). So later, after His baptism and calling of His disciples, Jesus was at a wedding that ran out with wine with His disciples and mother also in attendance. Mary does not come to Him with a complaint or a defeated “What can we do?” Rather, in faith, before He had done any other miracles (John 2:11), she came to Him with a simple statement of fact, “They have no wine.” Not yet ready to reveal who He was to the world, He nevertheless honored His mother (Exodus 20:12), and God worked the manifestation of His glory out for good (Romans 8:28) … “And his disciples believed in him.”
“Restore us, O LORD God of hosts! Let your face shine, that we may be saved!” Psalm 80:19. Set at the time of the Assyrian captivity that took off the northern kingdom (according to the LXX), the psalmist appeals to God for a restoration of His covenant people. Like other psalms, including the previous one, he asks how long God will continue to be angry. He recognizes the love and care that God has invested in His people as they are a vine that He, the Master Gardener, has planted. Therefore, the fault does not lie with God for the vine growing in ways they stubbornly wanted to go. Rather, three times he appeals to God to “restore us.” He pleads for God to “turn again” with His favor with the promise that “then we shall not turn back from you.” Sinful mankind needs another chance. We need restoration, and God provides it in a way that the psalmist could never envision. Jesus gives all of mankind that second chance at the cross and at the tomb. In John 17, He prays for that restoration just before he willingly and obediently lays down His life to make restoration possible: “I in them and you in me, that they may become perfectly one.” He lets His face shines, that we may be saved.
Search TV Weekly Topics
February 2025
Topics subject to change without notice
The seed of the kingdom is the gospel of Jesus Christ. When the seed is
sown, it can produce fruit if we receive it with receive it with good and honest
hearts. Sadly, not everyone is willing to listen or to hold fast to the gospel message.
What makes a Christian healthy biblically and practically is listening and
loving the Lord and His ways. Healthy Christians make healthy churches, but
unhealthy Christians cause chaos and lead the lost to reject the church.
There can be no greater love than for person to give his life for his friends.
This is exactly what Jesus did for us. He sacrificed Himself so that we might be
forgiven and live eternally in heaven with Him.
How we speak matters to those who hear. We must learn to speak in such a
way as to be a blessing to all who know us. Christians should speak with grace to
others so they may influence them to love the Lord.
We are now able to accept contributions and donations online.
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