

Personal Responsibility

THE  SUNDAY  SLANT …………………………………….May 20, 2018




The Bible declares that all have sinned and have come short of the glory of God. Sin is more than just a mistake or a boo-boo.  Our sins are serious business. Jesus went to the cross because of our sins. So, let's see sin for what it is - the destroyer of lives.  I sin. You sin. We all sin. Being wrong is never right.


A sage once said, "A man may fall several times, but he isn't a failure until he starts saying that somebody pushed him!"  Another said, "Passing the buck has become a national pastime." This solves no problems - it is only a diversion. Some folk are more concerned about "saving face" than they are with being saved.


Any wrongdoing that has not been cared for PROPERLY has not been cared for AT ALL!  Let's learn to admit our mistakes. Feeling vindicated is not the same as being vindicated. We all appreciate someone with an honest heart. True blue.  No baloney. Accepts the facts. Deals with what is.  Fixes what's broken. They can say; "You're right - I'm wrong - I did it!" At that point the healing begins!                  - Tom Butterfield


The Sunday Slant is published each week by Tom Butterfield, Pursley, WV. Feel free to use it in any good way you can, but always to the glory of God.  If you desire to have your name removed from our mailing list, please send an email to us requesting such.