

Hocking Hills Waterfall


Thoughts on nature and the Christian faith  -  2/18/19

"I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you have hidden these things

from the wise and understanding and revealed them to little children."  -  Mt. 11:25

A large waterfall over a rock wall

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In the Hocking Hills region of southeastern Ohio there are several hugely popular spots that are regularly visited by those who come to this area. One of those spots is a large waterfall which, even in the winter months, produces a roar which can be heard from far away. Tucked away nearby is this small waterfall which is seldom seen and almost never heard due to the proximity of the larger waterfall. To reach this hidden treasure, one must wade a stream or climb down through several massive boulders. For me, the effort is worth it. I find it more beautiful and, in a sense, more pure than its more celebrated neighbor. What is hidden from the masses turns out to be the best. This is often true in spiritual matters as well. While the popular speakers, the current programs, and the latest trends attract the largest crowds, the purest truths are often hidden in pockets that are only frequented by those humble in heart. It seems that wherever the wisdom of man is paraded, the majesty of Jesus is diminished and wherever Jesus is elevated, the wisdom of man is shattered. The truth of the gospel is discovered by those who first understand the truth about themselves. Numerical growth and celebrity are easily achieved by any number of paths, but true sanctification and worship come only from the elevation of Christ and the confession of our own sinfulness. These things are hidden from the crowd-followers and are revealed to those who hunger for a Person, not a program. The masses are drawn toward large noisy waterfalls, but Jesus is found in different places and by a different kind of people.  -  John