Blackwater Falls
John Miller
- Windstream Mail
R E F L E C T I O N S Thoughts on nature and the Christian faith - 12/14/20 __________________________________________________________________________ "From the rising of the sun to its setting, the name of the Lord is to be praised! - Ps. 113:3 |
Jo and I came across this waterfall in the mountains of West Virginia shortly after photographing a larger waterfall on the Blackwater River. The setting sun gave a rich warm glow to the scene and provided a nice contrast to the approaching darkness. This composition along with the music of the running water made me sense the presence and power of God. This became for me holy ground, not because of God's obvious presence, but because I was made to be aware of it. The presence of God is everywhere in his creation, but we are often so blinded, so calloused, we don't see it. This fact haunts me. Why does a place and time like this drive my heart to praise while at other times and places my thoughts center only on myself? God should be praised continually from the rising of the sun to its setting because of who God is and what he has done. He should be praised not only on the mountain tops but also in the valleys. In our darkest times he deserves praise because he is in control of all things and uses all things for our ultimate good if we are his. These present times seem dark and evil seems rampant, but God is sovereign even over evil. We cry out because we don't see the guiding hand of God in what is happening around us. We don't understand how what we call bad can be used for good. There is a reason for our lack of understanding. We are not God. Trust that there is a purpose, a good purpose, in all God brings your way. And, if you still can't see God's hand in your life or don't feel compelled to praise him, I have a suggestion. Find a waterfall at sunset, then quietly watch and listen. Your Father often speaks to those who, with humble hearts and attentive eyes, watch his work. - John