Ring-billed Gulls
John Miller
- Windstream Mail
R E F L E C T I O N S Thoughts on nature and the Christian faith - 3/8/21 ________________________________________________________________ "You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that bear witness about me, yet you refuse to come to me that you may have life." - Jn. 5:39-40 |
There is a dam on the Muskingum River not far from our home where Ring-billed Gulls are often found circling above the waters searching for fish. On the day I took this image the gulls were out in force. These gulls will eat practically anything they find, but this day they seemed to be fixated on fish. As I watched them I noticed that they circled above the waters below the dam and then occasionally hovered in mid air before diving when they spotted a fish in the rolling water. Once I saw this pattern, I followed this one gull as it circled until it stopped to hover before diving and then took this image. I watched this process for some time as these birds searched intently for the food that would sustain their lives. Gulls aren't the only ones who spend much of their lives searching. We do too. The focus of our searching may be money, power, prestige, or love but the search often leaves us unfulfilled. I know some people who diligently search the scriptures and take great pride in the knowledge they have obtained. They are the ones who answer all the questions that are raised in Bible classes. They are the go-to people to settle theological disputes. They often become puffed up with all the facts they know. But, in spite of the things they know, many of them don't know the One to whom those things point. That is the tragedy. They have spent their lives searching, but have not found what they need to find to have true life. Knowing the directions to a person's home does no good unless you follow those directions and get to know that person. Gulls search in order to find and feed on what is essential for them. So should we. - John