Reflections - Watching Wild Turkeys
John Miller
- Windstream Mail
R E F L E C T I O N S Thoughts on nature and the Christian faith - 8/16/21 ___________________________________________________________________________ "The wedding feast is ready, but those invited were not worthy. Go therefore to the main roads and invite to the wedding feast as many as you find." - Mt. 22:8-9 |
It is always fun to watch the wild turkeys that frequent our property when they bring with them their children, called poults. They usually spread out as they look for anything edible. But, when one of them finds some tasty morsel, the rest come rushing in. I am not sure what one of these poults found, but within a minute, the whole family including the mother had joined together to enjoy the feast. It reminded me of what happens at a thanksgiving meal, a lot of food is consumed in a surprisingly short time. Jesus spoke of a future wedding feast at which all who accepted his invitation would be fed. He said that many would be invited but relatively few would accept the invitation. And, even more astonishingly, those whom we would think should be invited all refused, and the very ones we would think would not even deserve an invitation were the ones who not only were invited but who actually came. The poor, the outcast, and the despised were the ones who will be embraced and fed by the Lord. Many who thought they deserved a place will be excluded, while those who recognized their unworthiness will be seated at the great marriage feast of the Lamb. Indeed, the first will be last and the last will be first. Many will be called, but few will be chosen. So, who gets a seat at the feast? Those who know they don't deserve it, those who are starving to be fed, and those who know the One who sent the invitation. As Jesus promised, those who hunger and thirst for righteousness will be fed. By the way, if you happen to get there before I do, save me a seat at the table. I hear the food and the fellowship will be amazing. - John