Shelf Fungi
Thoughts on nature and the Christian faith - 1/17/22
"May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you
to live in such harmony with one another, in accord
with Christ Jesus, that together you may with one voice
glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ."
- Rom. 15:5-6
Ohio winters tend to be rather drab with dull grays being the predominant color. So, it is exciting to me when trying to find something to photograph to find color anywhere. Color can often be found in the sky at sunrise or sunset but can seldom be found on the forest floor. Except when it comes to fungi. I found this little community of shelf fungi growing on a dead log on our property. Huddled together they provided color and beauty to a rather depressing day. There is strength and comfort in community. Or at least there should be. Scripture tells us we as believers are part of a community that is to give color to a world in darkness. But there are conditions that are necessary in order for us to be effective. We are to live together in harmony and we are to present one voice as we glorify our Lord. Sadly, that often is not the case. Harmony and speaking with one clear voice demands agreement on essentials. But the church today does more in-fighting than out-reaching, more disagreement than unity regarding the core of what we believe. Which presents many of us with some problems. Do we sacrifice truth for the sake of unity? Do we perpetuate tradition ln order to ensure conformity or challenge it and risk division? Tolerance is commendable with regard to peripheral issues but is an abomination with regard to essentials. May God give us the wisdom to know the difference. The health of the whole community and our witness to a dying world is at stake. - John