Go in This Might of Yours
Falling into sin again after 40 years of serving the Lord, God's people are told by a prophet that it is their fear of the world that has caused them to disobey. That's not how the people understand it though. When the angel first comes to Gideon, this son hiding his threshing from the Midianites believes that God has forsaken them (Judges 6).
I. 1 Samuel 17:24-47. Gideon didn't see himself as the Lord saw him. Ignoring that the angel called this simple farmer's son "a man of valor," Gideon questions instead how the Lord can be with His people when so much evil and suffering abounds. David, however, saw that God was His might and would not allow God's name to be defied. So, we too have the Lord as our might (Hebrews 12:22-24).
II. Matthew 28:18-20. Gideon didn't see his potential as the Lord saw it. Citing his weaknesses and limitations, Gideon did not know how he'd go in the might God said he had. David had no such trouble, though, in first facing the worldly giant of God's people--Saul--and then the unbelieving giant--Goliath. Just as Gideon was told, God's people today are told to go in our might to make disciples.
III. 1 Corinthians 9:16-17. God had work for Gideon to do, but because of his fear he did it at night. So, God has work for us to do as well (Ephesians 2:10), but because of fear, we do not see ourselves as God sees us or the potential that He has given us to save the world around us with the gospel. Instead, seeing our work as a stewardship entrusted to us, we must go in this might of ours, trusting Jesus to be with us to the very end of the age.
O men of valor, what are you doing for God in this might of yours?