

Surprised Buck

Thoughts on nature and the Christian faith
"Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it
comes upon you to test you, as though something
strange were happening to you."  -  I Pet. 4:2
This image makes me laugh. The expression on this fellow is one of total surprise and maybe a bit of shock also. Photographing with a telephoto lens allows me to get intimate close-up shots from a distance. That is what happened here. I spotted this buck when he was quite a long way off coming in my direction. His nose was to the ground following the scent of a doe and his mind was no doubt distracted from his usual cautious nature. Sexual attraction tends to do that. I was well concealed and ready as he drew closer to me. Then I took my first shot and the barely perceptible sound of my camera's shutter startled him and made him snap to attention with this goofy look on his face which I captured with a second shot. In a flash he was gone. Surprises always happen when we are least prepared. And so it is with all of us. When something unpleasant and unexpected happens and we are caught off guard, our reaction is to say that this is unfair. But for Christians, our reaction should be that we knew something like this would come. Difficult trials are to be expected because they are promised by God himself. And the reason for them is not to punish us but to test and grow us. Spiritual growth comes when our faith is put to the test and we persevere. Mature Christians have weathered the storms and overcome. Is it pleasant? No. Is is beneficial? Yes. Trials should not surprise us. A life lived without trials is a life that is stagnant and ultimately unfruitful. Those whom God loves, he strengthens through trials. So don't be surprised. Trials are there for a purpose, a very good and very God-honoring purpose.  -  John