Light Makes All the Difference
Thoughts on nature and the Christian faith
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"But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy
nation, a people for his own possession, that you may
proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out
of darkness into his marvelous light. " - I Pet. 2:9

While watching an overgrown field as the sun was setting, I saw this buck emerge from the darkness of the forest into the fading light in the field. A dark, barely recognizable form was suddenly transformed into a beautifully illuminated work of art. In photography, light makes all the difference. And this is also true in a sinner's conversion. In the scripture cited above, several things are mentioned regarding this transformation. First, we are told that God chose us even before we chose him. Secondly, we are told that this selection results in a new status. We are ushered into a holy nation in which we are made royal priests. We now belong to God as his personal possessions. And all of this change has occurred for a definite purpose, to proclaim the excellencies of the one who called us unto himself. While we were still in darkness, God called us with a call that drew us irresistibly to himself. This choosing, this calling, this transformation, and this vocation are all the work of God alone. We are most definitely the recipients of a grace we did not deserve. But with this grace comes a solemn responsibility. Our work now is to proclaim the good news of the love, grace, and holiness of the one who brought us out of the darkness and into the light. This is our task, our vocation. To do this effectively, however, often means returning into the darkness. Those who need what we now enjoy are found in the dark places of this world. God is the one who calls, but he often uses our voices to do so. Freely we have received. Freely we are to give. - John