Two Does
Thoughts on nature and the Christian faith
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The light shines in the darkne ss, and the darkness has not o vercome it.”
- Jn. 1:5

It was almost completely dark when I took this photo of these two does back lit by the setting sun. The light outlining them made their faces glow. It reminded me of how the face of Moses glowed when he came down from the mountain after being in the presence of God. An encounter with God will do that to a person. Light always dispels darkness. When Jesus, the light of the world, came to dwell among us, he was surrounded by darkness, a darkness that sought to extinguish his light but ultimately failed. In fact, what happened was that light exposed what was previously hidden in the darkness. As C. S. Lewis once said, you never knew that there were rats in your cellar until you turned on the lights. When sinners are confronted with the light of the holiness of God, our natural reaction is to either hide from or to deny what has been exposed within us. And there is profound darkness within the hearts of mankind, much more than any of us is willing to admit or confess. Christianity shines a light into those dark recesses we all try to conceal, and that is precisely why the Christian message is hated. But there is a freedom to be found in admitting who we are, in allowing the light to expose and then replace the darkness. Jesus took upon himself our darkness and gave us his light. Darkness can never overcome light, but light will always overcome darkness. It is an amazing thing to be encircled with his light, to stand in a dark world while both receiving and reflecting light from above. This is how true Christians are known, they radiate light. Actually, they really do look a lot like these two does. - John