Green Herons
Thoughts on nature and the Christian faith
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"The Lord looks down from heaven on the
children of man, to see if there are any who
understand, who seek after God." - Ps. 14:2

Green herons are unique among birds in that they can use tools. And that is what this fellow just did. These birds have learned that if they drop small items like twigs or feathers in the water sometimes that will attract small fish to rise to the surface after what they perceive to be a struggling insect. Then the waiting heron will dive down and capture its meal. This green heron is now looking down from an overhanging branch to see if any fish rises. I have watched this technique several times result in success. These herons are pretty smart, aren't they! But what we humans often forget is that God is constantly looking down on us, searching to see if any of us really understands or if anyone is actually seeking after him. Of course, many do seek after the things that only God can provide, but that is not the same as seeking God himself. We humans are obsessed with seeking things, as if the acquisition of things will result in a sense of fulfillment. But we were created to seek after God, to know him, and to truly understand his person and his will. The Christian faith centers on a trust in a person, not in what that person may provide to satisfy our wandering lusts. Far too many people are attracted by what they think they can get from God, rather than who God is. If we seek to know and understand God, benefits will flow from that relationship but those benefits are never to be seen as the impetus for that relationship. We are to worship God for who he is, not what he gives. Green herons use artificial lures to bring fish in. God uses himself. - John