Our neighbor has a fenced-in field where he keeps his horses, and during the winter months the setting sun produces a line of tree silhouettes along that fence row which always looks like a beautiful painting to me. And in truth, it is a painting, a painting created by a Master Artist who delights in showing a gallery of his work to all who have eyes to see and appreciate it. The design of the trees and the colors in his palette speak of his creativity. The natural world is a witness to God's very existence, a reminder of his power and holiness. We all walk through his gallery every day, usually with eyes that refuse to see and hearts that have hardened. What will our excuse be for our lack of praise? Will we be so bold as to say we did not know of his existence? Will we accuse him of not revealing his presence to us well enough? Will we say we had more important things with which to occupy our minds? Do we think that our praise of him for one hour of one day of the week should be sufficient? The Psalmist was right, God is to be praised from the rising of the sun to its setting. Praising God is not a suggestion, it is a command. It is not a part time hobby, it is a lifestyle. It comes not from compulsion, but from an overflowing heart. And that is the problem. Proper praise comes from hearts that have been changed, not from religious duties we feel we have to perform. Praise can be faked so that others can be fooled, but God knows the intent of our hearts. Ask God to give you a new heart. Seek his face in scripture and immerse yourself in the beauty of the gospel. Find a church that practices praise in their daily lives. Look for God's handiwork in nature. Or maybe just meditate on a sunset.  -  John