Wild Turkey
Thoughts on nature and the Christian faith
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"If you seek it like silver and search for it as for hidden
treasures, then you will understand the fear of the
Lord and find the knowledge of God." - Prov. 2:4-5
Shortly after a heavy rainfall, I watched this wild turkey diligently searching through the fallen leaves on our property for any trace of food. His efforts were rewarded with several varieties of nuts and insects that were scattered throughout the forest floor. If you seek, you will find. But some things require more effort to find than other things. If the desire of a person's heart to is gain wisdom and to come to know the Creator of all things in an intimate way, then the search becomes a lifelong pursuit. The search involves a realization of who we are, which is an incredibly humbling experience, and also involves a desire to know and submit to the commandments of God. But most of all, it involves a heart change. And that is something none of us can do, let alone desire to do. That is a work only God can accomplish as a gift of his grace. It is then that the search starts. Along the way we come to find and understand the fear of the Lord. This fear is not a servile fear, but a sense of profound awe as we come to see the absolute holiness of God. At that point we fall to our knees in praise and gratitude that such a holy Being is concerned with people like ourselves. This search will not end until we finally meet God when he comes in judgment at the end of time. The purpose of life is not the acquisition of wealth or power. It is about searching, searching to know the One who gave us life. Is this process hard? It certainly is. Is it ever finished in our lifetime? No, it is not. But are their treasures, real treasures, to be found as we search? Absolutely. And the best treasure awaits us at the end. What we seek determines what we find. - John