

Widows Walk Share

Widows Walk Share                                                                             by Doug Kashorek

In July 2021 at the end of my 23rd year of ministry and newly widowed, I began work at the 36th Street Church of Christ and started a widowhood ministry with a woman (who would become my wife over a year later) who had lost her husband in 2016. The first Widows Walk event was a Sweetheart’s luncheon close to Valentine’s Day 2022 with over twenty in attendance who were able to show the group a picture of and talk about the love they had lost. In the time since, we have hosted many events, taken a trip to Charleston, and had a national speaker, Dean Miller, from our brotherhood conduct a workshop.

Why the name? Part of the architecture of seaside houses of past centuries has been a widows walk, a high place where women watched for their husbands’ return to harbor in a time when seafaring was very dangerous.  It’s an appropriate name for a ministry that mutually encourages those who know every step of that difficult walk and helps prepare those who haven’t yet experienced the loss of a spouse.

A recent TV segment on this ministry has let us know just how needed it is in our area, so … Widows Walk will do regular meetings and events mid-September through mid-December. An orange sheet with the schedule is available ahead of time for you to help us get the word out and to plan to be part of this next step in this important work.

Loneliness is the greatest struggle that those in our situation often face, so we want a vibrant group that can help each other honor our pasts and understand what we’re going through as well as return some joy to our lives—because we’ve got a lot of living yet to do!

Widow's Watch A widow's walk also known as a "widow's watch" (or roofwalk)  is a railed rooftop platform often wit… | Widows walk, American houses,  Abandoned houses