

Wild Turkey

Thoughts on nature and the Christian  faith
"Live in harmony with one another. Do not be
haughty, but associate with the lowly."  -  Rom. 12:16
Spending time observing the various creatures that pass through our property is a source of great pleasure for me. In addition to the variety of small birds, squirrels, rabbits, insects, reptiles, and rodents, we also see larger creatures like hawks, foxes, wild turkeys, deer, and the occasional coyote or owl. And, with the exception of the quarrels among members of the same species, it is remarkable how well these different types of wildlife get along. I photographed this wild turkey as it wandered around and among several deer who were bedded down behind our house. I have often seen squirrels feeding under the feet of deer or different types of birds sharing the same nesting tree. Who associates with whom in the natural world has little to do with size or power, but much to do with trust and a willingness to share. We humans, however, tend to associate mainly with those who look like us and think like us. We look with envy to those we consider to be above us, and with destain to those we consider to be beneath us. We erect walls where Jesus taught us to tear them down. Our society is segregated by race, by politics, by wealth, and by religion. If Jesus were with us in the flesh today, there is no doubt in my mind that most of his time would be spent with the poor, the outcast, the homeless, the ill in body and mind, and with all those enslaved by sin. Jesus was known as, and denounced as, a friend of sinners. Our mandate is to live in harmony with one another, to not be haughty, and to associate with the lowly. We are often quick to criticize and to judge. If Jesus were here today I think I know what he would do in front of us all. He would bend down to the ground and start to write.  -  John