Mr. Magoo - Goldfinch
Thoughts on nature and the Christian faith
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"The sins of some people are conspicuous, going before
them to judgment, but the sins of others appear later. So
also good works are conspicuous." - I Tim. 5:24-25
My father loved the outdoors and he passed that love along to me. He didn't actually know the names of all the creatures we would see together, but he named them whatever feature stood out most conspicuously to him. So, he never called a goldfinch a goldfinch, he called them yellow birds. Cardinals were red birds, worms were crawlers, turkeys were gobblers, and so on. All of us have certain things that people associate with us. I remember a friend whom we called Shorty for obvious reasons, another we called Motormouth because he was always talking. and another we called Magoo because we thought he looked like the cartoon character Mr.Magoo. On a more serious note, our sins can be the most conspicuous feature others see first in us, or perhaps it is our good works that are first noticed. What we should be most concerned about, however, is what God notices about us. Make no mistake, our sins will be judged and our good works will be rewarded. We are not saved by our good works, although good works are not optional, and our sins will be punished. The good news of the gospel is that Another has taken our punishment upon himself and will then clothe us with his perfect righteousness if we trust in him. How sweet it will be when God judges us and sees as our most conspicuous feature, the righteousness of his Son. Until then, may we honor him and bear witness to him by our good works. May our good works be as conspicuous to all who know us as the beautiful yellow is on a goldfinch. We both can bring light into the darkness. - John