Rewards Program Christianity
Rewards Program Christianity
by Doug Kashorek
Needing allergy meds, I stop by whatever store is convenient on the way home. As the cashier
rings them up, she asks the scripted question from her training, “Are you a member of our
rewards program?” Thinking first of the dozens of plastic cards I no longer carry, I tell her I don’t
know. She indicates the credit card machine and tells me I can put in my phone number to find
out. Before I do this, I ask her what rewards I get for being in the program. Suddenly, she’s like a
deer in headlights. No one’s ever asked her this before.
As a gospel preacher, I frequently invite those who’ve heard the Word of truth to become a
member of or renew their involvement in an exclusive rewards program. For my part, I outline
the eternal reward of obeying the gospel and walking the narrow road that few find—as well as
the consequences of blundering on along the wide road that leads to destruction that the
majority choose to walk (Matthew 7:13-14).
Some listen and live faithfully unto death. Many others, however, have a “Rewards Program
Christianity.” They’re here because it’s convenient. Perhaps the church is near where they live
or meets at times that work for them? Maybe there are friendly people or good ministries that
meet their needs? (Nine punches on their attendance card, and they can take the tenth Sunday
off!) We take their presence for loyalty to truth and hope that they are true brothers and sisters,
but when something better comes along, they are gone.
By adopting this low-commitment involvement, they can feel spiritually satisfied without deep
devotion (Acts 2:42) towards their Savior and the church that He bought with His blood (20:28).
Are you a member of the eternal rewards program?