

Reflections - Morning Mist

Thoughts on nature and the Christian faith
"What is your life? For you are a mist that appears
for a little time and then vanishes.  -  James 4:14
 I love watching the morning mist rise from the waters and then dissipate in the air. The entire event is a drama, the raising of a curtain to disclose what was previously hidden. Mist brings with it a somber mood and a sense of mystery and anticipation about what is about to be uncovered. What the mist was hiding on this particular morning was an assault of brilliant fall colors in the trees surrounding this lake. Life is like that. What will be is hidden from our view. We plan for and try to orchestrate the future, but are always surprised at what eventually comes to pass. The future is in God's hands, not our own. And yet, we still try to manipulate what lies beyond the mist. Maybe our time would be better spent enjoying the beauty of the mist and trusting what lies beyond to the sovereign good pleasure of God. As Christians, we know that when the mist vanishes the colors that we will then see will be glorious. Yes, life is indeed short. Those of us who have advanced in age see that truth more and more clearly, and those who are much younger never even entertain those thoughts. What seemed so important in our youth seems so trivial now. Age has a way of clarifying what matters. Things don't, people do. Fads don't, tested values do. Relationships trump advancement, and humility casts out pride. There is much to learn on this side of the mist and not a whole lot of time to learn it, so it is paramount that we choose a wise teacher. His name is Jesus and he showed us how to walk through the mist and taught us what awaits us when the mist rises. Learn from him. It is the most important thing you can ever do. As for myself, I can't wait to see the mist rise and behold what and who is waiting for me over there.  -  John