

Reflections - Goldfinch

Thoughts on nature and the Christian faith
"Let your light shine before others, so that
they may see your good works and give
glory to your Father who is in heaven." 
-  Mt. 5:16
It was at dusk when a little goldfinch lit on this branch. The forest in the background was already clothed in darkness when a tiny shaft of light illuminated this little bird and made its yellow feathers shine. The contrast was striking. I like this image because there is no mistake as to what is the center of attention. When we look at an image like this, our eyes are immediately drawn to  the light. This is what happened when Jesus walked on the earth. He was the true light of the world and all who observed him saw the contrast. What is amazing to me, is that all who have come to put their trust in him have received light also. It is reflected light, but it is still light that the unbelieving world notices. The question we all should contemplate is what does the world see when its attention is drawn toward us? Jesus said what the world should see is our good works. Now make no mistake, even the best of our works fall far short of what they should be, but they should in some measure reflect the goodness of the one who is the source of any light we might possess. In other words, Christians should be different. Our lifestyle should be so counter-cultural that the world has to notice the difference. They may despise and scoff at us, or they may be led to glorify God because of us, but they must in some way notice that we are different. To be used by God as his instrument to bring others to praise him is to give true meaning to our lives. The light that fell on this goldfinch could not go unnoticed and, at least for me, caused me to glorify God. It is an example I want to follow and I pray that you do too.  -  John