Reflections - Ring-billed Gull
Thoughts on nature and the Christian faith
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"God looks down from heaven on the children of man to see
if there are any who understand, who seek after God."
- Ps. 53:2

While photographing ring-billed gulls at a dam on a local river, I became fascinated at their feeding routine. They would fly in circles above the dam, pausing frequently to hover in one place and examine the water beneath them for signs of small fish. Every so often, they would see something that interested them, and then dive into the water and come up with a fish. All the time I watched them, it was the same routine, circle, pause, look, and dive. The hillside on the other side of the river was in a deep shadow so these white birds stood out in stark relief. What a joy it was to watch this spectacle, and what amazed me the most was their incredible eye sight. The water below the dam was rolling in waves and how these birds were able to spot small fish was beyond my comprehension, as was their ability to hover in one spot and to dive with such precision. I suppose some people would say that to spend a whole afternoon watching birds fly is a waste of one's time. I would beg to disagree. For me watching these birds put things into perspective. They pointed me to their Creator, and that prompted me to worship. Not a bad way to spend your day. It also caused me to reflect on the fact that it wasn't just the birds that were watching what was below them, God was above it all watching the whole of his creation. And what does he see? Does he see any of us who really understands what is important to understand? Does he see anyone truly seeking him? Or does he see a world absorbed in self-gratification and self-worship? We are being watched. Don't ever forget that. - John