

Approaching Storm

Thoughts on nature and the Christian faith
"But because of your hard and impenitent heart you are
storing up wrath for yourself on the day of wrath when
God’s righteous judgment will be revealed." - Rom. 2:5
Whenever ominous clouds come rolling in signaling an approaching storm, my thoughts often turn to the coming day of God's wrath on those who have rejected him. Any mention of the wrath of God is usually frowned upon since we prefer to think of God only in terms of  his love and grace. But scripture is replete with passages that deal with a coming day in which God's wrath will be revealed. We are told that before a person comes to Christ, that person is constantly storing up God's wrath against him or her.
The essence of sin is selfishness, a desire to serve self rather than God. We are all born with that inclinaton, and unless our hearts are changed, we are just accumulating more and more of God's wrath every day. Every sin is an act of rebellion against God. The coming dark clouds grow thicker and more threatening with each passing day. God is certainly loving but he is also certainly just. Justice requires that rebellion be punished. We are faced with only two choices, either receive what we have earned, or find Another who is willing to receive what we have earned in our place.
The core of the gospel message is that Jesus took upon himself the punishment we deserved, and gave us his righteousness in return. That exchange comes only to those who have put their trust in him. We did not deserve or in any way earn this rescue. It is a gift to be received by faith. And what a difference it makes in the lives of those who receive it! We are literally born again. We are adopted into the family of God. Life now has meaning and purpose, and death will no longer be the ultimate victor.
Think  about this the next time you see the dark winter clouds rolling in. There is a shelter from this coming storm if you will avail yourself of it. And his name is Jesus.  -  John