Douglas Falls
- Bulletin
R E F L E C T I O N S Thoughts on nature and the Christian faith - 6/7/21 _____________________________________________________________________ "And I heard a voice from heaven like the roar of many waters and like the sound of loud thunder." - Rev. 14:2 |
Douglas Falls in the mountains of West Virginia is fairly close to a well used highway as well as a small town, and yet it is rarely visited by anyone but those who live nearby. There are no signs pointing to it and the dead-end road (if you can call it that) is full of deep ruts and involves crossing a dilapidated railroad bridge. Not a trip for the faint of heart. The descent to the falls is steep and the rocks are usually very slippery. But if you arrive there early in the morning as the mist is still rising, it is worth it. I had the valley all to myself on the day I made this image. The roar of the water was deafening and the mist made the whole experience magical. I am always amazed by the power of water and as I stood at the base of the falls I felt especially weak and fragile in the presence of such overwhelming strength and authority. I can only imagine how those who have actually heard the voice of God have felt. We all of course will one day experience what it is like. As scripture tells us, at that time every knee will bow and every tongue will confess who is truly the Lord of all. For some, it will be too late. For others, it will be the culmination of all of our hopes and dreams. At that moment we all will fully know who we are and who He is. What a sobering thought it is to contemplate the sinfulness of man in the presence of a holy God. Without a payment for our sins, without a righteousness that will stand before the scrutiny of God, this is a dreadful thing to imagine. But for those who have fully accepted the grace that we have been offered, this will be bliss. If you want to get a small taste of what it will be like, stand at the base of a roaring waterfall by yourself on a misty morning. Those who have ears to hear might even hear the voice of God in the roar of the waters. - John